2014 TCS New York City Marathon(ニューヨークシティマラソン)(2014年11月2日)

2014年11月2日(日)開催の2014年11月2日(日)開催の「2014 TCS New York City Marathon(ニューヨークシティマラソン)」。昨年に続き、今年も川内優輝選手、今井正人選手が参戦します!
「New York Road Runners」に出場選手が紹介されていて、川内優輝選手、今井正人選手の名前が掲載されていました。
- 今井正人選手: 2時間10分45秒(6位)
- 川内優輝選手: 2時間12分29秒(11位)
【関連記事】YouTubeで「New York City Marathon 2013」を観ました!!すんごい!
” I thought that even in a worst-case scenario I would make the top ten, so it’s very disappointing that I couldn’t stay with Meucci and ended up 11th.
If I had been able to run a race like Imai did, steady after 25 km and moving up late in the race, it would have been a much better result.”
▶ japan running news: ING New York City Marathon – Japanese Results
“But, this was my first time racing in the U.S. and in a race of this level. The field here was stronger than either of the World Championships I’ve run in and I placed better here than I did in either Daegu or Moscow, so it wasn’t all bad. And I did better than Arata Fujiwara (Miki House) did in 2010.” [laughs]
▶ japan running news: ING New York City Marathon – Japanese Results